- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODWRKFLOW-48
- Upgrade org.apache.commons.commons-compress to 1.26.2 or 1.27.1.MODWRKFLOW-47Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-47Kevin Day
- Confirm works under spring-boot 3.4.x and fix any regressions or deprecations.MODWRKFLOW-46Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-46Kevin Day
- mod-workflow: folio-spring 8.2.2 fixing vulnsMODWRKFLOW-44Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-44Kevin Day
- Update with spring-module-core Spring boot 3.3 changes.MODWRKFLOW-43Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-43Kevin Day
- If Workflow is not found, Invalid Token message is incorrectly printed.MODWRKFLOW-42Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-42Kevin Day
- Fix dependencies caused by latest spring-module-core 2.1.0-SNAPSHOTMODWRKFLOW-41Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-41Kevin Day
- Mod Workflow should be deployable on TAMU InfrastructureMODWRKFLOW-38Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-38
- A Workflow should support multiple active deploymentsMODWRKFLOW-37
- [SPIKE] Confirm the triggering of workflows from an OKAPI endpoint subscriptionMODWRKFLOW-36
- [SPIKE] A workflow should be able to be triggered from a kafka message queueMODWRKFLOW-35
- Mod Workflow should support kafka messaging instead of active mqMODWRKFLOW-34Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-34Kevin Day
- Request to delete spring data rest and make way for DAOs.MODWRKFLOW-33
- Update module to utilize new spring-module-core setting: tenant.recreate-default-tenantMODWRKFLOW-32Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-32Kevin Day
- Mod Workflow should have a new InputTask typeMODWRKFLOW-31Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-31Kevin Day
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODWRKFLOW-30
- Incorrect or missing DELETE endpoint for workflows and possibly others.MODWRKFLOW-28Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-28Kevin Day
- Mod-Workflow should provide an endpoint for exporting a workflow "fwz" formatMODWRKFLOW-27Kevin Day
- Optional enum parameter on workflow delete end point.MODWRKFLOW-26
- Returning the proper exception on failure, a HTTP 400 or a HTTP 422.MODWRKFLOW-25
- Python scripts are not working.MODWRKFLOW-24
- DirectoryTask and possibly others have possibly unneeded required properties.MODWRKFLOW-23
- The Mod-Workflow repository should contain documentation describing the FOLIO Workflow Zip (fwz) formatMODWRKFLOW-22Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-22Kevin Day
- Mod-Workflow should provide an endpoint for importing a new workflow "fwz" formatMODWRKFLOW-21Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-21Kevin Day
- Remove build and run dockerfile.MODWRKFLOW-20Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-20Kevin Day
- Mod Workflow should allow for the safe deletion of workflowsMODWRKFLOW-19Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-19Kevin Day
- Introduce unit test coverage support from spring module coreMODWRKFLOW-18Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-18Kevin Day
- Prefix workflow endpoints with ‘workflow’ in the module descriptor and controllersMODWRKFLOW-16
- Refactor camunda paths to workflow-engine to account for changes in mod-camundaMODWRKFLOW-15
- Clean up current trailing slash work-aroundMODWRKFLOW-14Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-14Kevin Day
- Implement an install end point.MODWRKFLOW-13Kevin Day
- H2 does not work but Postgresql does.MODWRKFLOW-12Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-12Kevin Day
- Improve handling of errors when communicating with mod camundaMODWRKFLOW-11Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-11Kevin Day
- Migrate project to the spring-way dependencyMODWRKFLOW-10Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-10Kevin Day
- Use lomboks Slf4j loggingMODWRKFLOW-9
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 3MODWRKFLOW-8Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-8Kevin Day
- CQL support for keyword searching on the name fieldMODWRKFLOW-7Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-7Kevin Day
- Basic CQL SupportMODWRKFLOW-6Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-6Kevin Day
- Create DTO/Entity implementations of a the workflow interfaceMODWRKFLOW-2Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-2Kevin Day
- Configure Workflow and Workflow-Engine CommunicationMODWRKFLOW-1Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-1Kevin Day
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