- Sunflower 2025-R1 Schema testingMODORGSTOR-177Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-177Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseMODORGSTOR-176Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-176Mikita Siadykh
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODORGSTOR-175
- Create DB view and API for it to retrieve all organization related dataMODORGSTOR-174
- Add POST and DELETE methods to /organizations-storage/settings APIMODORGSTOR-173Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-173Tino R.
- Create Data Structure/Api to store Organization Integration details instead of mod-configurationMODORGSTOR-171Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-171Boburbek Kadirkhodjaev
- ReleaseMODORGSTOR-168Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-168
- error message an when an organization cannot be deleted because of banking informationMODORGSTOR-172Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-172Joseph Reimers
- Perform DB schema testing for Ramsons releaseMODORGSTOR-167Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-167Serhii_Nosko
- Update libraries of dependant acq modules to the latest versionsMODORGSTOR-166Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-166Saba Zedginidze
- Implement audit outbox pattern for sending kafka events about organization updatesMODORGSTOR-164Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-164Saba Zedginidze
- Banking - prevent deletion of account type if it is being used by an organizationMODORGSTOR-163Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-163Serhii_Nosko
- Review and cleanup Module Descriptor for mod-organizations-storageMODORGSTOR-162Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-162
- Speedup organizations filtering/sorting performance on big datasetsMODORGSTOR-161
- Add indexes to satisfy filtering by metadata fieldsMODORGSTOR-159Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-159Saba Zedginidze
- mod-organizations-storage: module releaseMODORGSTOR-158Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-158Mikita Siadykh
- mod-organizations-storage: schema testingMODORGSTOR-157Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-157Serhii_Nosko
- mod-organizations-storage: Upgrade RAML Module BuilderMODORGSTOR-156Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-156Saba Zedginidze
- Replace deprecated methods to work with DB transactionMODORGSTOR-154Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-154Irakli Merabishvili
- mod-organizations-storage: module releaseMODORGSTOR-151Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-151Dzmitry Butramyou
- mod-organizations-storage: schema testingMODORGSTOR-150Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-150Serhii_Nosko
- Update RMB and vertx to the latest versionMODORGSTOR-149Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-149Azizbek Khushvakov
- BE - Implement API for Privileged contactsMODORGSTOR-153Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-153Irakli Merabishvili
- BE - Implement CRUD for Organization SettingsMODORGSTOR-155Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-155Irakli Merabishvili
- BE - Implement CRUD for Banking Account TypesMODORGSTOR-148Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-148Irakli Merabishvili
- Release mod-organizations-storage v4.5.2 - Orchid CSP #5MODORGSTOR-147Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-147Tatsiana Tarhonskaya
- Organizations app shows only 20k records as total when the actual number is much higher (Poppy Clone)MODORGSTOR-146Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-146Serhii_Nosko
- Release v4.5.2 (Orchid CSP)MODORGSTOR-145Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-145Mikita Siadykh
- Organizations app shows only 20k records as total when the actual number is much higher (Orchid CSP 5 Clone)MODORGSTOR-144Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-144Serhii_Nosko
- Update to Java 17 mod-organizations-storageMODORGSTOR-143Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-143Adesh Singh
- Update calling existing RMB "Read" methods to use new RMB Readonly APIsMODORGSTOR-142Serhii_Nosko
- mod-organizations-storage: release 4.5.1MODORGSTOR-141Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-141
- Enable API-related GitHub Workflows, replace those Jenkins stagesMODORGSTOR-140Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-140David Crossley
- mod-organizations-storage: module releaseMODORGSTOR-139Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-139Mikita Siadykh
- mod-organizations-storage: schema testingMODORGSTOR-138Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-138Adesh Singh
- Update dependent raml-utilMODORGSTOR-137Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-137Bekhzod Kurbonboev
- Upgrading tenant resets reference and sample recordsMODORGSTOR-136Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-136
- Logging improvement - ConfigurationMODORGSTOR-133Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-133Serhii_Nosko
- mod-organizations-storage: module releaseMODORGSTOR-132Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-132Mikita Siadykh
- mod-organizations-storage: Upgrade RAML Module BuilderMODORGSTOR-131Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-131Siarhei Hrabko
- mod-organizations-storage: schema testingMODORGSTOR-130Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-130Siarhei Hrabko
- mod-organizations-storage: Upgrade RAML Module BuilderMODORGSTOR-129Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-129Andrei Makaranka
- mod-organizations-storage: schema testingMODORGSTOR-128Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-128Siarhei Hrabko
- mod-organizations-storage: module releaseMODORGSTOR-127Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-127Mikita Siadykh
- Data MigrationMODORGSTOR-124Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-124Andrei Makaranka
- Lotus 2022 R1 module releaseMODORGSTOR-123Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-123Mikita Siadykh
- Logging improvementMODORGSTOR-122Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-122Azizbek Khushvakov
- Create Organization type schema and APIMODORGSTOR-121Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-121Andrei Makaranka
- MODORGSTOR (mod-organizations-storage) releaseMODORGSTOR-120Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-120Oleksandr Dmytriiev
- Juniper R2 2021 HF #5 module releaseMODORGSTOR-119Resolved issue: MODORGSTOR-119
50 of 153
In scope of initial env verification, the following issues were encountered on :
Cannnot import a file via data import. After uploading the file and selecting the Job profile, the file disappears and nothing happens.
400 Bad Request after clicking "Send reset password email" on "Users" -> "Edit" page POST
"errors": [
"message": "[400 Bad Request] during [POST] to [http://authn/password-reset-action] [LoginClient#savePasswordResetAction(PasswordResetAction)]: [{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Failed to get credentials for a user: 43e1cd0f-3515-479d-a6af-070f9ace2545\",\"type\":\"ServiceException\",\"code\":\"service_error\",\"parameters\":[{\"key\":\"cause\",\"value\":\"[401 Unauthori... (615 bytes)]",
"type": "BadRequest",
"code": "validation_error",
"parameters": []
"total_records": 1
Cannot add publication pattern in "Serials" app 1. Go to "Serials" and open the serial record without publication pattern 2. Click "Add publication pattern" 3. Setup the Publication cycle as follows:
Cycle length / Time unit = Day
Cycle length / Number of days = 1
No. of issues published per cycle = 1 4. Click "Add label" in the Labelling accordion and select "Chronology" the "Label style" field 5. Complete the fields with the following options:
Label style = Chronology
Chronology format = Chronology Date
Weekday format = Monday
Month day format = 3rd
Month format = Oct
Year format = 2023 6. In the Template field enter the text:
{{chronology1.weekday}}, {{chronology1.monthDay}} {{chronology1.month}} {{chronology1.year}} 7. Click “Preview” and fill out the "Start date" with 1st January 2024 8. Click "Preview" 9. Click "Save&Close"
POST 500 Internal Server Error - "Preview" POST 500 Internal Server Error - "Save&Close"
500 error when deleting a license
reporting "build query" shows something went wrong:
Error: HTTP error 500 () -- could not find reporting DB: cannot extract data from 'dbinfo':
cannot fetch 'dbinfo' from config: :
HTTP error 400 (Bad Request):
GET http://localhost:8082/settings/entries?query=scope=="ui-ldp.admin"+and+key=="dbinfo"
An unknown error when creating MARC authority
"errors": [
"message": "Index not found: folio-etesting-sprint_authority_fs09000000",
"type": "OpenSearchException",
"code": "elasticsearch_error",
"parameters": []
VP: Fixed
looks like problem with mod-search
Inventory app takes unusually long to open.
White screen for up to 20 second before the element shown.
The app is very slow in general
400 errors for multiple requests in "MARC authority" app.
Search results are not loading
"errors": [
"message": "Index not found: folio-etesting-sprint_authority_fs09000000",
"type": "OpenSearchException",
"code": "elasticsearch_error",
"parameters": []
VP: fixed
Uploading a file with a created user's barcode in Bulk edit
displays the following error: Reason for error => User folio does not have required permission to view the user record - barcode=t19 on the tenant fs09000000
The same error appears when working with Query toggle:
Select 'Users' under Record types - Click 'Build query'
Select 'Users - User - Barcode' - Operator 'equals' - Value '1'
Click 'Test query' => 'Run query'
Reproduced for all record types: instances, holdings, items. users. The issue is related to incorrect work of bulk edit permissions on eureka environment
POST /authn/credentials often fails with 400 status and the following error:
"errors": [
"message": "Failed to create auth credentials for a username: cypresstestuser835.5901688713761668",
"type": "ServiceException",
"code": "service_error",
"parameters": [
"key": "cause",
"value": "[401 Unauthorized] during [GET] to [http://keycloak-sprint-headless.sprint.svc.cluster.local:8080/admin/realms/fs09000000/users?q=user_id%3A30cbac1f-d721-43ac-b933-a8722a10ee2e&briefRepresentation=true] [KeycloakUserClient#findUsersWithAttrs(String,String,String,boolean)]: [{\"error\":\"HTTP 401 Unauthorized\",\"error_description\":\"For more on this error consult the server log at the debug level.\"}]"
Fails most of the Eureka auto-tests.
Not consistently reproducible.
Same issue was reproducible on Eureka snapshot envs (scout, spanish) but was somehow resolved.
The same error sometimes appear when trying to reset password in "Settings" → "Developer" → "Paswd" (for GET /authn/credentials-existence?userId=...)
Cannot get reset password link when editing a user.
POST /users-keycloak/password-reset/link failes with 400 status and the following response body:
"errors": [
"message": "[400 Bad Request] during [POST] to [http://notify] [NotificationClient#sendNotification(Notification)]: [Requested template does not support 'text/plain' output format]",
"type": "BadRequest",
"code": "validation_error",
"parameters": []
"total_records": 1
Blocks normal manual testing (when each tester creates a test user in UI) and assigns role/capabilities to it
Total number of users returned by "Status" filter is not equal to sum of active and inactive users
Currently, there are 90508 active and 360 inactive users, it gives 90868 users in total, but when both "Active" and "Inactive" checkboxes are checked, the number of users returned is 90847, so ~20 users are not found. Devtools responses have the same values as on UI.
Cannot create Holdings record in Inventory app:
Find and open any Instance record
Click on the "Add holdings" button
Fill required fields
Click on the "Save & close" button
VP: Fixed
Emty "Resource type" dropdown during creation/editing of "Instance" record
Go to "Inventory" app
Click on the "Actions" > "New"
Fill resource title
Check "Resource type" dropdown.
Actual result: "Resource type" dropdown should have all options as exist at the "Settings" > "Inventory" > "Resource type"
Excel spreadsheet with the same issues (includes pictures):
Online version of the same spreadsheet (requires access):