- Field based annotations @RespectCase/@RespectAccents/…FOLSPRINGS-191
- Release folio-spring-support v9.0.0 Sunflower Release (R1 2025)FOLSPRINGS-190Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-190Pavlo Smahin
- Update to folio-spring-support Java 21FOLSPRINGS-188Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-188Pavlo Smahin
- Inconsistent String Comparison Logic between PostgreSQL and the Criteria APIFOLSPRINGS-187
- Implement case insensitive accents ignoring CQL queriesFOLSPRINGS-185Julian Ladisch
- "Something went wrong" error appears and list of Users is empty in Bulk edit app on OKAPI, Eureka environmentsFOLSPRINGS-184Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-184Viachaslau Khandramai
- [folio-spring-system-user] Improve resiliency of system user operationsFOLSPRINGS-183Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-183Noah Overcash
- Release folio-spring-support v8.2.2 Ramsons Release (R2 2024)FOLSPRINGS-182Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-182Julian Ladisch
- Upgrade Spring Boot from 3.3.4 to 3.3.6 fixing vulns (Ramsons Bug Fix)FOLSPRINGS-181Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-181Julian Ladisch
- Token expiration off by 1 minute in testFOLSPRINGS-180Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-180Julian Ladisch
- Wrong error message: Cannot retrieve okapi token for tenant: <username>FOLSPRINGS-179Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-179Julian Ladisch
- spring-cloud-starter-openfeign 4.1.4 fixing spring-security-crypto Authorization BypassFOLSPRINGS-178Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-178Julian Ladisch
- Spring-Boot Upgrade to 3.4 and adjust Liquibase configurationFOLSPRINGS-177Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-177
- System user may fail to initialize when in an inconsistent stateFOLSPRINGS-176Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-176
- mod-spring-template: Upgrade dependencies to match folio-spring-base 8.2.1FOLSPRINGS-175Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-175
- x-okapi-tenant header duplicationFOLSPRINGS-174Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-174Siarhei Charniak
- Release folio-spring-support v8.2.1 Ramsons Release (R2 2024)FOLSPRINGS-173Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-173Pavlo Smahin
- Bump to postgres:16-alpine, suggest adding .github/workflows/postgres.ymlFOLSPRINGS-172Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-172
- folio-spring-i18n throws ConcurrentModificationException if many formats are simultaneously requested before language cache is builtFOLSPRINGS-171Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-171Noah Overcash
- Release folio-spring-support v8.2.0 Ramsons Release (R2 2024)FOLSPRINGS-170Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-170Pavlo Smahin
- Expose additional i18n methods to better handle dates, locales, and timezonesFOLSPRINGS-169Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-169Noah Overcash
- mod-spring-template: Update dependencies for RamsonsFOLSPRINGS-168Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-168Julian Ladisch
- Upgrade classgraph dependency from 4.8.90 to 4.8.175 fixing CVE-2021-47621FOLSPRINGS-166Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-166Julian Ladisch
- kafka.KafkaContainer, apache/kafka-native:3.8.0FOLSPRINGS-165Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-165Julian Ladisch
- Add "Update" to PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.mdFOLSPRINGS-164Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-164Julian Ladisch
- Wrong Locale in TranslationService and TranslationMapFOLSPRINGS-163Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-163Julian Ladisch
- Investigate updating version of commons-compressFOLSPRINGS-162
- Spring Boot 3.4FOLSPRINGS-161Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-161Julian Ladisch
- Make i18n translation service accept multiple keysFOLSPRINGS-160Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-160Pavlo Smahin
- Release folio-spring-support 8.1.2 for Quesnelia security CSPFOLSPRINGS-159Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-159
- spring-cloud-starter-openfeign 4.1.2 fixing bcprov-jdk18on TLS vulnsFOLSPRINGS-158Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-158Julian Ladisch
- folio-spring-system-user breaks when is trueFOLSPRINGS-157Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-157Noah Overcash
- Spring Boot 3.2.6, bcprov-jdk18on 1.78 fixing vulnsFOLSPRINGS-156Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-156Julian Ladisch
- ModuleId, SemVer supportFOLSPRINGS-155Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-155
- Exclude edge-api-utils from system-user submoduleFOLSPRINGS-154Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-154Pavlo Smahin
- folio-spring-testing: commons-compress 1.26.1, unpin testcontainers (CVE-2024-25710)FOLSPRINGS-153Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-153
- Release folio-spring-support v8.1.0 Quesnelia (R1 2024)FOLSPRINGS-149Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-149Pavlo Smahin
- Testing submodule: add extension for Minio container set-upFOLSPRINGS-148Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-148Pavlo Smahin
- Release folio-spring-support v8.0.0FOLSPRINGS-147Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-147Dima Tkachenko
- Circular dependency: folio-spring-system-user <-> edge-api-utilsFOLSPRINGS-146
- Fix CQL count by replacing count() with countDistinct()FOLSPRINGS-145
- Extend support of filtering DB table records through CQLFOLSPRINGS-144Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-144Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Spring Boot 3.2.1, ch.qos.logback DoS CVE-2023-6378, CVE-2023-6481FOLSPRINGS-143Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-143Julian Ladisch
- Add support for SQL Timestamp type field in CQL queryFOLSPRINGS-142Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-142Mukhiddin Yusupov
- Upgrade deps for Quesnelia: Spring Boot 3.2.0, OpenAPI 7.1.0, ...FOLSPRINGS-141Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-141Julian Ladisch
- Develop Testing Submodule for Test Creation and ManagementFOLSPRINGS-140Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-140Pavlo Smahin
- Accept-Language header should be passed in Feign clientsFOLSPRINGS-139Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-139Noah Overcash
- Translation module name cannot be parsed when running in a JARFOLSPRINGS-138Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-138Noah Overcash
- TranslationService javadoc: cannot find symbol onConstructor_ = @AutowiredFOLSPRINGS-137Resolved issue: FOLSPRINGS-137Noah Overcash
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