- Release: Sunflower - ui-service-pointsUISP-64Resolved issue: UISP-64Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate react-intl to v7UISP-63Resolved issue: UISP-63Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUISP-62Resolved issue: UISP-62Nikolai_Litvinenko
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUISP-61Resolved issue: UISP-61
- Upgrade version for `actions/upload-artifact` from v2 to v4UISP-59Resolved issue: UISP-59Priyanka Terala
- ui-servicepoints - migrate to shared CI workflowsUISP-58Resolved issue: UISP-58Nikolai_Litvinenko
- Release: Ramsons - ui-servicepointsUISP-56Resolved issue: UISP-56Tetiana Gusar
- Release Quesnelia ui-servicepontsUISP-54Resolved issue: UISP-54Tetiana Gusar
- read app-list from stripesUISP-52
- allow any application to opt into ui-servicepoints' "require a service point" handlerUISP-53
- User should see app that do not require service pointUISP-51Resolved issue: UISP-51Dmitriy Litvinenko
- Release: Poppy - Ui-servicepoints (UISP)UISP-50Resolved issue: UISP-50Tetiana Gusar
- BREAKING Update react-intl to v6UISP-49Resolved issue: UISP-49Zak Burke
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub ActionsUISP-48Resolved issue: UISP-48Priyanka Terala
- CLONE - leverage jest-config-stripes for all jest and testing-library packagesUISP-47Resolved issue: UISP-47Priyanka Terala
- upgrade React to v18UISP-46Resolved issue: UISP-46Priyanka Terala
- Add file to the repositoryUISP-44Resolved issue: UISP-44Priyanka Terala
- Release ModuleUISP-42Resolved issue: UISP-42Michal Kuklis
- bump stripes to 8.0.0 for Orchid/2023-R1UISP-41Resolved issue: UISP-41Michal Kuklis
- Assigned service point is not visible in check in and check out appsUISP-39Resolved issue: UISP-39(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee
- Release ui-servicepoints v6.2.0 Nolana (R3 2022)UISP-38Resolved issue: UISP-38Michal Kuklis
- changed servicepoint does not update in stripes.currentUserUISP-37Resolved issue: UISP-37Priyanka Terala
- Morning Glory 2022 R2 module releaseUISP-36Resolved issue: UISP-36Michal Kuklis
- update NodeJS to v16 in GitHub ActionsUISP-34Resolved issue: UISP-34Michal Kuklis
- replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parserUISP-33Resolved issue: UISP-33Zak Burke
- on login, insert service point details into the sessionUISP-32Resolved issue: UISP-32Zak Burke
- Lotus 2022 R1 module releaseUISP-31Resolved issue: UISP-31Michal Kuklis
- Release for Kiwi R3 2021UISP-29Resolved issue: UISP-29Michal Kuklis
- increment stripes to v7UISP-28Resolved issue: UISP-28Michal Kuklis
- release for R2 2021UISP-27Resolved issue: UISP-27Zak Burke
- refactor away from react-intl-safe-htmlUISP-26Resolved issue: UISP-26Zak Burke
- Compile Translation Files into AST FormatUISP-25Resolved issue: UISP-25Ankita Sen
- Release for R1 2021UISP-24Resolved issue: UISP-24Michal Kuklis
- Update stripes-cli to v2UISP-23Resolved issue: UISP-23Michal Kuklis
- upgrade to stripes v6UISP-22Resolved issue: UISP-22Michal Kuklis
- release v4.0.0UISP-21Resolved issue: UISP-21Zak Burke
- increment @folio/stripes to v5UISP-20Resolved issue: UISP-20Kyle Felker
- Service points recently added to a user can stop displaying if the page is reloadedUISP-19Resolved issue: UISP-19Priyanka Terala
- UISP (ui-servicepoints) release 3.0.0UISP-17Resolved issue: UISP-17Zak Burke
- Error accessing Requests when user doesn't have a service point selectedUISP-16Resolved issue: UISP-16Kyle Felker
- Security update eslint to >= 6.2.1 or eslint-util >= 1.4.1UISP-13Resolved issue: UISP-13Mikita Siadykh
- Only 10 service points display in Settings/Calendar/Library hoursUISP-12Resolved issue: UISP-12
- Build BigTest unit test code coverage above 80%UISP-11Resolved issue: UISP-11Kyle Felker
- release v1.3.1UISP-10Resolved issue: UISP-10Zak Burke
- Error When Making SP a Pickup LocationUISP-9Resolved issue: UISP-9Michal Kuklis
- Release v1.2 for FOLIO 2018 Q4UISP-8Resolved issue: UISP-8Michal Kuklis
- Re-Label "Pickup location" to "Pickup service point"UISP-4Resolved issue: UISP-4
- Unable to close Service Point Modal when user does not want to make a selectionUISP-1Resolved issue: UISP-1Michal Kuklis
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