- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseUISACQCOMP-255Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-255Mikita Siadykh
- replace moment with day.jsUISACQCOMP-254
- Include refetch for useOrganization hookUISACQCOMP-252Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-252Azizjon Nurov
- Move useFiscalYears and FiscalYearFilter to stripes-acq-componentsUISACQCOMP-249Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-249Azizjon Nurov
- Tags field clears previously selected values on creating new tagUISACQCOMP-247Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-247Yury Saukou
- Display Holdings copy number when selecting holdings on Update Ownership modal (Item)UISACQCOMP-253Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-253Oleksandr Hladchenko
- migrate react-intl to v7UISACQCOMP-246Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-246Yury Saukou
- migrate stripes dependencies to their Sunflower versionsUISACQCOMP-245Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-245Yury Saukou
- migrate to shared GA workflowsUISACQCOMP-244Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-244Yury Saukou
- Add labelless prop to FieldTags component to hide labelUISACQCOMP-243Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-243Azizjon Nurov
- Create drop-down Save box when multiple save options (PO Line)UISACQCOMP-242Khalilah Gambrell
- Implement button with attached dropdown menuUISACQCOMP-241Yury Saukou
- Add `GroupByOrgActionMenuItem` action button for claimsUISACQCOMP-240Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-240Azizjon Nurov
- ECS | "Invalid reference" is displayed in "Location" facet on POL lookup when create receiving titleUISACQCOMP-239Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-239Dennis Bridges
- Support `CLAIMS` export type in the `useIntegrationConfigs` hookUISACQCOMP-238Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-238Yury Saukou
- Invoices with currency not provided by ECB are still exported with unpaid invoices from FYRO invoice modalUISACQCOMP-237Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-237Dennis Bridges
- Move reusable claiming code from `ui-receiving` to the shared libraryUISACQCOMP-236Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-236Yury Saukou
- Move reusable version history hookUISACQCOMP-235Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-235Azizjon Nurov
- Filtering transactions by Source POL number and Source Invoice number does not work properlyUISACQCOMP-233Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-233Dennis Bridges
- Add reusable helper function to support VersionHistory functinalityUISACQCOMP-232Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-232Alisher Musurmonov
- Provide more information when record history has hidden changesUISACQCOMP-231Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-231Dennis Bridges
- Move reusable version history components to the ACQ libUISACQCOMP-230Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-230Yury Saukou
- Search field pulldown is ignored, always uses first entryUISACQCOMP-229Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-229
- Add more reusable hooks and utilitiesUISACQCOMP-228Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-228Yury Saukou
- CLONE - "Reset all" doesn't clear "From" and "To" fields filled with invalid values in "Date created", "Date updated" filters of "MARC authority" appUISACQCOMP-227Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-227Denys Bohdan
- ReleaseUISACQCOMP-224Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-224
- ECS - Add reusable custom hooks to fix invalid reference issues related to holding names and locationsUISACQCOMP-223Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-223Alisher Musurmonov
- "actionDate" should be used for "Version history" for orders and PO linesUISACQCOMP-222Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-222Dennis Bridges
- Change `FundFilter` component to support multi-selection for Fund codesUISACQCOMP-221Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-221Dennis Bridges
- ECS | User without affiliation in specific tenant should be able to see its name in "Location" accordion on POL detailsUISACQCOMP-220Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-220Alisher Musurmonov
- Create a common utility for managing response errorsUISACQCOMP-219Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-219Yury Saukou
- Add isMultiSelect prop to DonorsLookup component (Ramsons clone)UISACQCOMP-217Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-217Mariia Aloshyna
- Extend "TypeToggle" component functionalityUISACQCOMP-216Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-216Oleksandr Hladchenko
- ECS - Add `isLoading` prop for `ConsortiumFieldInventory` componentUISACQCOMP-215Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-215Alisher Musurmonov
- Release v5.1.2 (Quesnelia CSP #4 R1 2024)UISACQCOMP-214Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-214Mariia Aloshyna
- ECS | Dropdowns in Select location section are not fully visible when expanded in "Receiving" full-screen formUISACQCOMP-213Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-213Dennis Bridges
- Add isMultiSelect prop to DonorsLookup componentUISACQCOMP-212Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-212Mariia Aloshyna
- Location facets can be deleted from "Location" filter on "Search & filter" paneUISACQCOMP-211
- Support using custom list of tenants when open the locations modalUISACQCOMP-210Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-210Oleksandr Hladchenko
- ECS | Location name field should be cleared after another affiliation selection when add recordUISACQCOMP-209Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-209
- ECS | Institution, Campus, Library fields should be cleared in "Select locations" popup filter after another affiliation selectionUISACQCOMP-208Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-208Dennis Bridges
- CLONE - “Receiving” app closes after closing "Routing list" pageUISACQCOMP-206Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-206Dennis Bridges
- Add translation for `Unavailable` item status messageUISACQCOMP-205Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-205Joseph Reimers
- Add `locationLabelId` and `holdingLabelId` to `FieldInventory` ComponentUISACQCOMP-204Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-204Joseph Reimers
- ECS - Display all consortium tenants in the affiliation selection of the location lookupUISACQCOMP-202Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-202Dennis Bridges
- ECS | Location name field should be cleared in PO line after another affiliation selection when edit recordUISACQCOMP-201Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-201Dennis Bridges
- ECS - Replace publish coordinator calls with new endpoints to get libraries, institutions and campusesUISACQCOMP-197Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-197
- ECS - Support central ordering in acq modulesUISACQCOMP-194Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-194Yury Saukou
- "Set exchange rate" filed cannot be negative in PO lineUISACQCOMP-218Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-218Dennis Bridges
- Configure Print routing list functionalityUISACQCOMP-191Resolved issue: UISACQCOMP-191Joseph Reimers
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