- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODWRKFLOW-48
- Upgrade org.apache.commons.commons-compress to 1.26.2 or 1.27.1.MODWRKFLOW-47Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-47Kevin Day
- Confirm works under spring-boot 3.4.x and fix any regressions or deprecations.MODWRKFLOW-46Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-46Kevin Day
- mod-workflow: folio-spring 8.2.2 fixing vulnsMODWRKFLOW-44Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-44Kevin Day
- Update with spring-module-core Spring boot 3.3 changes.MODWRKFLOW-43Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-43Kevin Day
- If Workflow is not found, Invalid Token message is incorrectly printed.MODWRKFLOW-42Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-42Kevin Day
- Fix dependencies caused by latest spring-module-core 2.1.0-SNAPSHOTMODWRKFLOW-41Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-41Kevin Day
- Mod Workflow should be deployable on TAMU InfrastructureMODWRKFLOW-38Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-38
- A Workflow should support multiple active deploymentsMODWRKFLOW-37
- [SPIKE] Confirm the triggering of workflows from an OKAPI endpoint subscriptionMODWRKFLOW-36
- [SPIKE] A workflow should be able to be triggered from a kafka message queueMODWRKFLOW-35
- Mod Workflow should support kafka messaging instead of active mqMODWRKFLOW-34Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-34Kevin Day
- Request to delete spring data rest and make way for DAOs.MODWRKFLOW-33
- Update module to utilize new spring-module-core setting: tenant.recreate-default-tenantMODWRKFLOW-32Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-32Kevin Day
- Mod Workflow should have a new InputTask typeMODWRKFLOW-31Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-31Kevin Day
- Enable API-related GitHub WorkflowsMODWRKFLOW-30
- Incorrect or missing DELETE endpoint for workflows and possibly others.MODWRKFLOW-28Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-28Kevin Day
- Mod-Workflow should provide an endpoint for exporting a workflow "fwz" formatMODWRKFLOW-27Kevin Day
- Optional enum parameter on workflow delete end point.MODWRKFLOW-26
- Returning the proper exception on failure, a HTTP 400 or a HTTP 422.MODWRKFLOW-25
- Python scripts are not working.MODWRKFLOW-24
- DirectoryTask and possibly others have possibly unneeded required properties.MODWRKFLOW-23
- The Mod-Workflow repository should contain documentation describing the FOLIO Workflow Zip (fwz) formatMODWRKFLOW-22Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-22Kevin Day
- Mod-Workflow should provide an endpoint for importing a new workflow "fwz" formatMODWRKFLOW-21Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-21Kevin Day
- Remove build and run dockerfile.MODWRKFLOW-20Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-20Kevin Day
- Mod Workflow should allow for the safe deletion of workflowsMODWRKFLOW-19Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-19Kevin Day
- Introduce unit test coverage support from spring module coreMODWRKFLOW-18Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-18Kevin Day
- Prefix workflow endpoints with ‘workflow’ in the module descriptor and controllersMODWRKFLOW-16
- Refactor camunda paths to workflow-engine to account for changes in mod-camundaMODWRKFLOW-15
- Clean up current trailing slash work-aroundMODWRKFLOW-14Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-14Kevin Day
- Implement an install end point.MODWRKFLOW-13Kevin Day
- H2 does not work but Postgresql does.MODWRKFLOW-12Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-12Kevin Day
- Improve handling of errors when communicating with mod camundaMODWRKFLOW-11Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-11Kevin Day
- Migrate project to the spring-way dependencyMODWRKFLOW-10Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-10Kevin Day
- Use lomboks Slf4j loggingMODWRKFLOW-9
- Upgrade to Spring Boot 3MODWRKFLOW-8Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-8Kevin Day
- CQL support for keyword searching on the name fieldMODWRKFLOW-7Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-7Kevin Day
- Basic CQL SupportMODWRKFLOW-6Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-6Kevin Day
- Create DTO/Entity implementations of a the workflow interfaceMODWRKFLOW-2Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-2Kevin Day
- Configure Workflow and Workflow-Engine CommunicationMODWRKFLOW-1Resolved issue: MODWRKFLOW-1Kevin Day
40 of 40
Sensitive data in logs cleanup
Potential Workaround
Viachaslau Khandramai
Viachaslau KhandramaiPriority
Development Team
TestRail: Cases
Open TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs
Open TestRail: Runs
Created February 10, 2025 at 10:14 PM
Updated February 12, 2025 at 3:01 PM
It is necessary to review the information available in the module logs. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that directly (explicit user personal data, financial information, etc.) or indirectly (references to files in S3 or local files containing personal information) allows the identification of a user must be removed. If removal is not possible, the information should be masked. Among the PII, the following should be removed (if applicable):
Direct Identifiers (explicitly identify an individual):
Full name
Social Security Number (SSN)
Passport number
Driver’s license number
Email address
Phone number
Physical address
Indirect Identifiers (can identify an individual when combined with other information):
Date of birth
IP address
Geolocation data
Employment information
Medical records
Financial data (e.g., credit card details)
Acceptance criteria:
All PII is not present in the module logs based on logs visual review.