- POC: Add ability to search order related data from Finance, Invoice, Organization domainsMODFQMMGR-724
- [QB] [Purchase orders with titles] The query using the field "Instance — Instance UUID" is failing.MODFQMMGR-722Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-722
- [QB] [Purchase orders with titles] Some of the fields return empty fields.MODFQMMGR-721
- [QB] [Voucher lines with invoice, fund, organization] The fields from "Fund with ledger — Fund", "Fund with ledger — Ledger" don't return anythingMODFQMMGR-720Bobby Sharp
- [QB] Displays incorrect record amount, after editing the list and running a query, which returns 0 recordMODFQMMGR-719Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-719
- [QB] [Transactions] The field "From fund — UUID" returns empty values(fields)MODFQMMGR-718
- [QB] The field "Fund — Donor organizations" returns empty values when we use the operators "not contains all" or "not contains any"MODFQMMGR-717
- Instances: Include resource identifier typeMODFQMMGR-716
- [QB] Displays an "Error occurred" when the query result exceeds the max sizeMODFQMMGR-723
- [Transactions] The field "Fiscal year — Acquisition unit names" is failingMODFQMMGR-714Kriti Jain
- [QB]The field "Fund with ledger — Ledger — Restrict encumbrance" doesn't work correctlyMODFQMMGR-713
- [QB] [Budgets] The field "Fiscal Year — Acquisition unit names" is failingMODFQMMGR-711Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-711Kriti Jain
- [QB] [Transactions] The field "Transaction — Source" returns incorrect "PO Line" valueMODFQMMGR-709Bobby Sharp
- Sunflower 2025-R1 Schema testingMODFQMMGR-708Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-708Matt Weaver
- Sunflower 2025-R1 releaseMODFQMMGR-707Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-707Matt Weaver
- [QB] [Purchase orders with titles] The queries are failing, but returning values, when we use PO/POL fieldsMODFQMMGR-706Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-706Bobby Sharp
- Remove @Transactional annotations from mod-fqm-managerMODFQMMGR-705Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-705Matt Weaver
- Automate Testing for Arrays and Object Type fieldsMODFQMMGR-704
- Entity adjustmentsMODFQMMGR-703Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-703Kriti Jain
- Reorder sources within composite entitiesMODFQMMGR-702Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-702Kriti Jain
- [QB] cross tenant queries are failingMODFQMMGR-701Bobby Sharp
- Joining nested composite entity types fail if they use the same aliasMODFQMMGR-700Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-700Noah Overcash
- Organizations - contactsMODFQMMGR-699
- Organizations - Interfaces ETMODFQMMGR-698
- ECS - Provide appropriate "Instance source" values in the dropdown when querying from Item recordsMODFQMMGR-696
- ECS - Intermittent query failuresMODFQMMGR-695Bobby Sharp
- Adjustments to specific composite entitiesMODFQMMGR-694Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-694Bobby Sharp
- Composite Invoice linesMODFQMMGR-693Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-693Bobby Sharp
- Make simple_purchase_order non-privateMODFQMMGR-692Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-692Matt Weaver
- Implement Automated Testing Code from POC Branch for ETMODFQMMGR-691Kriti Jain
- Create an application descriptor for FQMMODFQMMGR-690Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-690Matt Weaver
- New entity for transactionsMODFQMMGR-685Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-685Bobby Sharp
- Hide simple entitiesMODFQMMGR-684Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-684Matt Weaver
- New budget entityMODFQMMGR-683Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-683Kriti Jain
- [QB] Update the logic for the field "Instance — Statistical code names".MODFQMMGR-682
- Don't include a record count in query results if the query failedMODFQMMGR-681Kriti Jain
- Make "Index title" field in Instance ET essentialMODFQMMGR-680Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-680Kriti Jain
- Include "created by" and "updated by" as essential fields on several record typesMODFQMMGR-679
- Query item by instance statusMODFQMMGR-678
- Entity adjustments: VouchersMODFQMMGR-677Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-677Bobby Sharp
- Add item effective location at check out to the loan entityMODFQMMGR-676Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-676Kriti Jain
- Add Custom Fields support for Order and Order Line entitiesMODFQMMGR-675Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-675Dennis Bridges
- Sensitive data in logs cleanupMODFQMMGR-674Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-674Matt Weaver
- Entity adjustments: Invoice lineMODFQMMGR-673Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-673Bobby Sharp
- Entity adjustments: InvoicesMODFQMMGR-672Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-672Bobby Sharp
- Make "created by" and "updated by" essential fields for Items and Holdings recordsMODFQMMGR-671Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-671Kriti Jain
- Make it possible to mark an entity type source or columns within a source as non-queryableMODFQMMGR-670
- Entity adjustments: expense classMODFQMMGR-669Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-669Bobby Sharp
- Add Finance group entityMODFQMMGR-668Resolved issue: MODFQMMGR-668Kriti Jain
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