- Tweak Language and Display When No Proxy and Permissions Are FoundUX-115Resolved issue: UX-115Zak Burke
- Get Rolling Renewal Period from Loan Policy (Renew from System Date)UIU-415Resolved issue: UIU-415Michal Kuklis
- Settings: patron groups and address types are empty when toggling between both.UIU-381Resolved issue: UIU-381Michal Kuklis
- Fix showSingleResult lint errorUIU-379Resolved issue: UIU-379Zak Burke
- Proxy: Problems with Searching in User Search and Select PopupUIU-378Resolved issue: UIU-378Michal Kuklis
- Patron groups "# of users" does not increase when adding a user to said group.UIU-377Resolved issue: UIU-377William Welling
- Refactor settings to use ConfigManagerUIU-376Resolved issue: UIU-376Michal Kuklis
- Proxy: Problems with Searching in User Search and Select PopupUIU-373Resolved issue: UIU-373Zak Burke
- Rewire item link in the loan details to point to ui-inventory insteadUIU-368Resolved issue: UIU-368Zak Burke
- Add confirmation for Patron Group DeletionUIU-367Resolved issue: UIU-367Aditya matukumalli
- Refine Last Updated Metadata DisplayUIU-325Resolved issue: UIU-325Michal Kuklis
- Scroll Page to Display Validation Errors Upon Attempted SaveUIU-310Resolved issue: UIU-310Aditya matukumalli
- Disable Delete button for User Permission Set that is in use by one or more usersUIU-281Resolved issue: UIU-281Clint Bellanger
- CRUD Patron Groups column headers and iconsUIU-264Resolved issue: UIU-264John Coburn
- Loan Actions: Loan Action for RequestsUIU-253Resolved issue: UIU-253mark.stacy
- User Status Should be Inactive When ExpiredUIU-235Resolved issue: UIU-235Jeremy Huff
- Proxy: Set Relationship Status (Proxy Sub-Section)UIU-201Resolved issue: UIU-201Michal Kuklis
- Proxy: Set Relationship Status (Sponsor Sub-Section)UIU-200Resolved issue: UIU-200Michal Kuklis
- User Loans Page (Open Loans Tab) Should Have Own URLUIU-143Resolved issue: UIU-143Zak Burke
- Adjust tests for scan idUITEST-19Resolved issue: UITEST-19Michal Kuklis
- Get ui-testing working for MikeUITEST-17Resolved issue: UITEST-17Mike Taylor
- work on maintaining the test suite so it can be enabled in the PRsUITEST-16Resolved issue: UITEST-16
- When redirecting to Inventory or eHoldings, translate filtersUISE-67Resolved issue: UISE-67Mike Taylor
- When both "Available online" and "Not available" are checked do not restrict resultsUISE-66Resolved issue: UISE-66Mike Taylor
- Yarn lint won't run: Configuration for rule "jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content" is invalidUISE-65Resolved issue: UISE-65Mike Taylor
- When no sources are selected, query-index dropdown allows all selectionsUISE-64Resolved issue: UISE-64Mike Taylor
- searching by FOLIO ID does not workUISE-62Resolved issue: UISE-62Mike Taylor
- Create regression tests for ui-searchUISE-61Resolved issue: UISE-61Mike Taylor
- Holding Status filters sends incorrect queryUISE-60Resolved issue: UISE-60Mike Taylor
- The "Available Online" filter option should be selected by defaultUISE-59Resolved issue: UISE-59Mike Taylor
- The initially selected index should be "Title", not "ID"UISE-57Resolved issue: UISE-57Mike Taylor
- After linking out to another app, strange redirects start to happenUISE-56Resolved issue: UISE-56Mike Taylor
- Rename ID to FOLIO ID, enable IdentifierUISE-49Resolved issue: UISE-49Mike Taylor
- When clearing the search, the record-display area should clearUISE-48Resolved issue: UISE-48Mike Taylor
- link to specific app details page from the codex app search resultUISE-26Resolved issue: UISE-26Mike Taylor
- Rewire item link in the request details to point to ui-inventory insteadUIREQ-57Resolved issue: UIREQ-57Zak Burke
- Request Edit Page Intermittently Missing Lots of DataUIREQ-55Resolved issue: UIREQ-55Zak Burke
- Request Displaying "Item Not Checked Out" When Item is Checked Out RecalledUIREQ-53Resolved issue: UIREQ-53Matt Connolly
- Error Saving a Hold Request for an Item that is Not Checked OutUIREQ-52Resolved issue: UIREQ-52Matt Connolly
- Add Proxy Column to Request ListUIREQ-51Resolved issue: UIREQ-51Matt Connolly
- Request as ProxyUIREQ-50Resolved issue: UIREQ-50Matt Connolly
- refactor using SearchAndSortUIREQ-49Resolved issue: UIREQ-49Matt Connolly
- Intermittent Error Using User Search and Select Popup (Maybe Only on Second Request?)UIREQ-48Resolved issue: UIREQ-48Matt Connolly
- Newly Created Requests Not Showing in the List Until After RefreshUIREQ-45Resolved issue: UIREQ-45Matt Connolly
- CRUD Add Request Status to Request Search ResultsUIREQ-43Resolved issue: UIREQ-43Matt Connolly
- Filter Requests by Request StatusUIREQ-42Resolved issue: UIREQ-42Matt Connolly
- Display Request Status on Request DetailsUIREQ-41Resolved issue: UIREQ-41mark.stacy
- Select Fulfilment Preference = DeliveryUIREQ-24Resolved issue: UIREQ-24Matt Connolly
- Requests: Edit v1UIREQ-8Resolved issue: UIREQ-8Matt Connolly
- Requests: Search Results v1UIREQ-3Resolved issue: UIREQ-3Matt Connolly
50 of 179