- FF Details/History changes for "Additional information for patons" and other minor changesUIU-961Resolved issue: UIU-961lluvia Manilla
- Pay and Waive FF fixes for double ":" and "*"UIU-958Resolved issue: UIU-958Luis Contreras
- Save button for fee/fine type patron notice selections not workingUIU-951Resolved issue: UIU-951Luis Contreras
- UX Consistency Fixes for Fee/Fine DetailsUIU-928Resolved issue: UIU-928lluvia Manilla
- Display "Additional Information for Patron" on Fee/Fine DetailsUIU-901Resolved issue: UIU-901lluvia Manilla
- Fee/fine tag and icon missing from Checkout Borrower informationUIU-888Resolved issue: UIU-888Luis Contreras
- Should not be able to charge new fee-fine from Closed Loans without "all actions" permissionUIU-867Resolved issue: UIU-867lluvia Manilla
- Error occurs when user without "all actions" permission views FF DetailsUIU-865Resolved issue: UIU-865lluvia Manilla
- Rename "Payment type" to "Payment method" on PAY FEE/FINE modalUIU-859Resolved issue: UIU-859Luis Contreras
- Prompted to copy Manual Charges from another Fee/Fine Owner when none existUIU-858Resolved issue: UIU-858lluvia Manilla
- Stop clearing the Pay Fee/Fine and Waive Fee/Fine modal fields after Pay/Waive button is pressedUIU-856Resolved issue: UIU-856Erika Miranda
- Display consistent message when no Fee/Fine Settings option existUIU-846Resolved issue: UIU-846Erika Miranda
- Amounts and field labels not right aligned on Pay and Waive modalsUIU-845Resolved issue: UIU-845Erika Miranda
- Make Fee/Fine Owner box larger on Manual Charges and Payment Methods pagesUIU-844Resolved issue: UIU-844lluvia Manilla
- Payment confirmation not appearing with Charge and Pay NowUIU-842Resolved issue: UIU-842Luis Contreras
- Block Details button from Requests/Checkout/Renewals does not consistently open Patron Block accordionUIU-810Resolved issue: UIU-810Luis Contreras
- Loan History not showing correct fee/fine total for item for this transaction, but Loan Details is correctUIU-805Resolved issue: UIU-805Holly Mistlebauer
- Incorrect Payment Methods available for FF Owner when paying from within FF History/DetailsUIU-803Resolved issue: UIU-803Erika Miranda
- Patron block still being enforced after expiration date (was Patron block still in place after expiration date until browser refresh)UIU-792Resolved issue: UIU-792Luis Contreras
- Add charge notice and action notice options to manual fee/fine settings screenUIU-713Resolved issue: UIU-713Luis Contreras
- Notify patron of fee/fine payment receivedUIU-711Resolved issue: UIU-711Luis Contreras
- Notify patron of new manual fee/fine chargeUIU-710Resolved issue: UIU-710Luis Contreras
- Add User Information Fee/Fine section display fields: Remaining open fees/fines and link to All fees/finesUIU-688Resolved issue: UIU-688lluvia Manilla
- CRUD Fee/Fine Transfer Accounts SettingsUIU-544Resolved issue: UIU-544
- Inventory/search bug in Q1 2019 releaseUISE-110Resolved issue: UISE-110Zak Burke
- Instance record. Notes does not display in detailed view.UIIN-536Resolved issue: UIIN-536Niels Erik Nielsen
- Update borrower information on checkout page to include fees/fines owedUICHKOUT-33Resolved issue: UICHKOUT-33Luis Contreras
- New fee/fine for item checked inUICHKIN-56Resolved issue: UICHKIN-56
- stripes-core unable find package.json for nested modulesSTCOR-360Resolved issue: STCOR-360
- Factor Fiscal year into Ledger summary total calculationsMODFIN-100Resolved issue: MODFIN-100Dennis Bridges
- Error setting exceptional closing hours for single dayMODCAL-38Resolved issue: MODCAL-38
- prepare platform-erm for Q1 releaseFOLIO-1917Resolved issue: FOLIO-1917John Malconian
- Prepare platform-complete for Q1 releaseFOLIO-1916Resolved issue: FOLIO-1916John Malconian
- UI Regression tests failures for Q1 platform-core releaseFOLIO-1882Resolved issue: FOLIO-1882Zak Burke
- Q1 platform-core platform-complete release FOLIO buildsFOLIO-1869Resolved issue: FOLIO-1869John Malconian
- Update folio-install single-server procedure for q1-2019 releaseFOLIO-1866Resolved issue: FOLIO-1866David Crossley
- secure folio-snapshot and folio-testing Okapi installations Q1FOLIO-1787Resolved issue: FOLIO-1787
- Q1 enhancements and bugfixes -- RMBFOLIO-1725Resolved issue: FOLIO-1725Jakub Skoczen
- Performance issues reported through the automatic perf testing Q1FOLIO-1711Resolved issue: FOLIO-1711Jakub Skoczen
- include "edge" modules in daily snapshot/testing buildsFOLIO-1630Resolved issue: FOLIO-1630
- Automated builds for FOLIO 'release'FOLIO-1577Resolved issue: FOLIO-1577John Malconian
- Automatic loading of sample and reference dataFOLIO-1519Resolved issue: FOLIO-1519Adam Dickmeiss
42 of 42
While testing patron notices at, Holly came across these issues.
Fee/Fine Details (see attached image Minor FF Detail Fixes.JPG for details)
Action "New staff info" should be named "Staff info only" MOVED TO JIRA ISSUE UIU-968
Transfer Information column should be renamed to Transfer information FIXED & TESTED!
Comments column should be renamed to Additional information FIXED & TESTED!
Comments/Additional information column is very wide. Is there a way to make it more narrow? MOVED TO JIRA ISSUE UIU-968
Fees/Fines History
When a user clicks on the
icon, the message that pops up should say Additional information instead of Comment as shown in attached image Minor FF History Fix.JPG for details)