- Link to Request Queue (Filtered View of Request App)UIREQ-122Resolved issue: UIREQ-122Aditya matukumalli
- Duplicate Location RecordUIORG-117Resolved issue: UIORG-117Michal Kuklis
- Move SP to Location Relationship Establishment from SP Record to Location RecordUIORG-115Resolved issue: UIORG-115Aditya matukumalli
- Enable Filtering of Location Records By Institution, Campus and LibraryUIORG-92Resolved issue: UIORG-92Michal Kuklis
- Instance Record. Accordion Electronic access. Implement new elements and reorder data - part 2UIIN-287Resolved issue: UIIN-287Niels Erik Nielsen
- Instance Record. Accordion Descriptive data. Implement new elements and reorder data - part 2UIIN-284Resolved issue: UIIN-284Niels Erik Nielsen
- Add accordions to the edit view of the Holdings recordUIIN-274Resolved issue: UIIN-274Niels Erik Nielsen
- Add accordions to the Holdings Record in detailed viewUIIN-168Resolved issue: UIIN-168Niels Erik Nielsen
- Print Hold Slip at Check InUICHKIN-16Resolved issue: UICHKIN-16Michal Kuklis
9 of 9
Link to Request Queue (Filtered View of Request App)
Potential Workaround
relates to
hideTestRail: Results
Created October 4, 2018 at 12:13 PM
Updated January 27, 2020 at 11:25 AM
Resolved October 11, 2018 at 8:13 PM
Aditya matukumalli October 9, 2018 at 2:22 PM
@Cate Boerema Just added in the changes. Should be up on testing in a bit. let me know if you need further changes.
Cate Boerema October 9, 2018 at 8:36 AM
Thank you, @Aditya matukumalli! I apologize, the text in the scenario was wrong. I meant for the link to say "view requests in queue". Also, could you put a little more space between the number and the link as shown in the attached mockup?
Thanks much!
Aditya matukumalli October 8, 2018 at 9:06 PM
@Cate Boerema Added in the fixes for usability.
Aditya matukumalli October 8, 2018 at 4:09 PM
@Cate Boerema Sure, thanks
Cate Boerema October 8, 2018 at 4:03 PM
Hi @Aditya matukumalli. Looking at this working in folio-testing, I realized there are some minor usability issues. I hope it's okay - I am going to add a few new scenarios to this story just to make the UX a bit better.
Purpose: To enable staff users to access an item's request queue from the Request record. This is the simple version in which the item's request queue is just a pre-filtered view of the requests app. A more sophisticated request queue (a dedicated page) is specified in a separate story: UIREQ-112
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the Request information section of the Request detail screen (View and Edit) (CB: Changed on 2018-10-08) for Item A with barcode 1234
When expanded
Then the Position in queue data element should be accompanied by a "view position requests in queue" (CB: Changed on 2018-10-08) hyperlink to the Request app search page as shown in the attached mockup. Page should be prefiltered by:
Item barcode 1234 (should display in search box)
Request status is open:
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - Not yet filled
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the Item information section of the Request detail page (View, Edit and Create)
When displayed
Then the "Requests" data element should be renamed "Requests on item" as shown in the attached mockup
Scenario :check_mark:
Given the number showing under "Requests on item" in the Item information section of the Request detail page (View, Edit and Create)
When displayed
Then the number should be a hyperlink to the Requests app search page. Page should be prefiltered by:
Item barcode 1234 (should display in search box)
Request status is open:
Open - Awaiting pickup
Open - Not yet filled