- "Move" option is not disabled when holdings contain pieces and/or item(s) that are NOT related to the orderUIOR-991Resolved issue: UIOR-991Dennis Bridges
- The error appears when user goes back to "Assigned users" page after appearing "Already assigned to a knowledge base" modalUIEH-1315Resolved issue: UIEH-1315Denys Bohdan
- Sorting is broken in the "Records" columnMODSOURMAN-822Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-822Roman Chernetskyi
- The status of Instance is Multiple in the Import log after uploading MARC file for updateMODSOURMAN-819Resolved issue: MODSOURMAN-819Volodymyr Rohach
- All existing items in Holdings (not only items related to POL) are moved with Holdings when editing instance connection from POLMODORDERS-720Resolved issue: MODORDERS-720Dennis Bridges
- 500 Error occurred while Item Status updatingMODEXPW-182Resolved issue: MODEXPW-182Aliaksei Harbuz
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