
Charlotte: I'm closing this ticket as duplicate, while UICIRC-955 will cover the continued work for PART A + PART B + PART C.

PURPOSE: Allow staff member to create/review/update/delete the new "Reminder Fee" subsection of the Overdue Fine Policy.


  1. Scenario
    Given Overdue fine policies (at Settings>Circulation)
    When existing policy <policy-name> selected to view and "Reminder Fees" settings DO NOT exist
    Then open overdue fines policy <policy name> page for viewing, with new "Reminder fees" sub-section closed

  2. Scenario
    Given existing policy <policy-name> selected to view and "Reminder Fees" settings DO NOT exist
    When "Edit" option selected from the ACTIONS menu
    Then open overdue fines policy_<policy name>_ page for editing, with new "Reminder fees" sub-section closed

  3. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When user requests to expand "Reminder fees" sub-section
    Then open new "Reminder fees" sub-section as shown in attached mock-up 2-reminder-fees-open.png with the following settings...

    • Count closed days/hours/minutes = "Yes" (with "No" as the other drop-down option)

    • Ignore grace periods for recalls = "Yes" (with "No" as the other drop-down option)

    • Ignore grace periods for holds = "Yes" (with "No" as the other drop-down option)

    • Allow renewal of items with reminder fee(s) = "Yes" (with "No" as the other drop-down option)

    • Clear patron block when paid = "Yes" (with "No" as the other drop-down option)

    • First row for reminder fee 1 displayed including...

      • Sequence, not editable and set to "1"

      • Interval, required and set to null

      • Frequency, required and set to "Select frequency", with drop-down options "minute(s)", "hour(s)", "day(s)", "week(s)"

      • After, not editable and set to "Overdue"

      • Fee, set to null

      • Notice method, set to "Select notice method", with drop-down options: "None", "Email", "Mail", "Email & mail", "Patron's preference" (as shown in attached mock-up 3-reminder-fees-save.png)

      • Notice template, set to "Select notice template", with drop-down options including all Patron notice templates from Settings>Circulation>Patron notices templates that have a Category = "Loan"

      • Block template, set to "Select block template", with drop-down options including all Patron block templates from Settings>Users>Patron blocks: Templates

      • Actions, trash can icon for deletion and + icon for adding the second row

      • Save & close button inactive

  4. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When + icon pressed from existing row
    Then open new "Reminder fees" row including...

    • Sequence, not editable and set to X (where X is the next sequence number)

    • Interval, required and set to null

    • Frequency, required and set to "Select frequency", with drop-down options "minute(s)", "hour(s)", "day(s)", "week(s)"

    • After, not editable and set to "Previous reminder"

    • Fee, set to null

    • Notice method, set to "Select notice method", with drop-down options: "None", "Email", "Mail", "Email & mail", "Patron's preference" (as shown in attached mock-up 3-reminder-fees-save.png)

    • Notice template, set to "Select notice template", with drop-down options including all Patron notice templates from Settings>Circulation>Patron notices templates that have a Category = "Loan"

    • Block template, set to "Select block template", with drop-down options including all Patron block templates from Settings>Users>Patron blocks: Templates

    • Actions, trash can icon for deletion and + icon for adding the second row
      ...and update previous row with...

    • Actions, trash can icon for deletion but now + icon for adding another row

  5. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When 99 rows exist AND + icon pressed from 99th row
    Then add 100th row without the ability to add a 101th row

  6. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When trash can icon pressed from existing row
    Then delete the row

  7. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When Interval not > 0
    Then display error message: Reminder fee interval must be greater than 0

  8. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When Interval for a row has one or more decimal places
    Then display error message: Reminder fee Interval must be a whole number

  9. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When Frequency for a row is still set to default "Select frequency"
    Then display error message: Reminder fee Frequency is required

  10. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When the following is true for each row created...

    • Frequency not = "Select frequency"

    • Interval = a whole number greater than 0
      Then activate Save & close button

  11. Scenario
    Given Save & close button pressed
    When Notice method = "None" and Notice template NOT = "Select notice template"
    Then display error message: If Notice method is "None", the Notice template should be set to "Select notice template"

  12. Scenario
    Given Save & close button pressed
    When Notice method NOT = "None" and Notice template = "Select notice template"
    Then display error message: If Notice method is selected, the Notice template should be set to one of the provided templates

  13. Scenario
    Given Save & close button pressed
    When Fee = null AND Notice method = "None" AND Notice template = "Select notice template" AND Block template = "Select block template"
    Then display error message: Must select at least one of the available actions: Charging a fee, sending a notice or creating a patron block

  14. Scenario
    Given Save & close button pressed
    When Notice method is "Mail", "Email & Mail" or "Patron preference"
    Then display Confirm Notice method selection confirmation modal (as shown in attached mock-up Notice-method-confirmation.jpg)

  15. Scenario
    Given Confirm Notice method selection modal open
    When Cancel button pressed
    Then Confirm Notice method selection modal AND return user to overdue fines policy <policy name> page

  16. Scenario
    Given Confirm Notice method selection modal open
    When Confirm button pressed
    Then Confirm Notice method selection modal AND return user to _overdue fines policy <policy name> page

  17. Scenario
    Given Save & close button pressed
    When all validation passed
    Then save data entered to the overdue fine policy and display a green "Success Toast" (as shown in attached mock-up 4-view-details-success.png)

  18. Scenario
    Given overdue fines policy <policy name> page open
    When cancel button pressed
    Then close overdue fines policy <policy name> page without saving anything



Potential Workaround



  • 04 Apr 2023, 11:34 AM
  • 04 Apr 2023, 11:34 AM
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TestRail: Results



Charlotte Whitt June 14, 2023 at 3:26 PM

The described work will be covered in UICIRC-955 (which is addressing PART A + PART B + PART C)





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TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created April 4, 2023 at 11:34 AM
Updated August 1, 2023 at 4:44 PM
Resolved June 14, 2023 at 3:26 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs

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