MARC Record Validation Rules and ECS
Potential Workaround
has to be done before
is blocked by
relates to

Christine Schultz-Richert September 30, 2024 at 2:44 PMEdited
Reviewed and closing as done.

Valery_Pilko September 27, 2024 at 11:14 AM
Re-tested on ECS-snapshot environment - issue 2 is fixed.
See attached screencast:
NOTE: on screencast, I was not able to save derived record because of issue introduced in

Denys Bohdan September 27, 2024 at 10:14 AM
Hey the issue with deriving can be tested on scope of this ticket

Valery_Pilko September 23, 2024 at 2:07 PM
Found issue will be fixed in the scope of a separate ticket (because the bug is in another module):
Current ticket can be closed, ready for PO review.

Valery_Pilko September 23, 2024 at 9:31 AM
Re-tested on environment:
Issue 1 (Shared MARC bib edited from Member tenant must be verified against Central tenant MARC validation rules) is fixed for MARC bib and MARC authority records, see attached screenshots:
MARC bib:
MARC auth:
New Issue 2 found - Derived FROM Shared MARC bib record on Member tenant must be verified against Member tenant MARC validation rules because this record (derived) is Local for Member tenant.
See attached screenshot:


For ECS and MARC validation rules handling
Central tenant
Configures MARC validation rules for shared MARC bib
Configures MARC validation rules for shared MARC authority
Shared MARC bib/authority record validation runs against central tenant MARC validation rules
Permission: Only people assigned to create/edit/view MARC rules validation in the central tenant can do so and only in the central tenant. No expectation that a user in a member tenant can view central tenant MARC validation rules in a member tenant.
Summary = Central MARC validation rules is the source of truth for all shared MARC bib and MARC authority records.
Member tenant
Configures MARC validation rules for its local MARC bib
Configures MARC validation rules for its local MARC authority
Permission: Only people assigned to create/edit/view MARC rules validation in a member tenant can do so and only in the member tenant that they are assigned the permission. No expectation that a user in a member tenant can view central tenant MARC validation rules in a member tenant or another member tenant’s validation rules.
Local MARC bib/authority record validation runs against the member tenant’s MARC validation rules
Promote to shared > Running MARC validation rules is not enforced
Summary = Member tenant validation rules is the source of truth for its member tenant’s MARC validation rules
No expectation that a user in a member tenant can view central tenant MARC validation rules in a member tenant.
Editing shared or local records from central or member tenant.
If a user is editing a shared record from the member tenant then the MARC rules validation should be against the central tenant’s MARC rules validation.
If user is editing a shared record from the central tenant then the MARC rules validation should be against the central tenant’s MARC rules validation.
If user is editing a local record in its member tenant then the MARC rules validation should be against the member tenant’s MARC rules validation.
If user is creating/deriving a shared record in its central tenant then the MARC rules validation should be against the central tenant’s MARC rules validation.
If user is creating/deriving a local record in its member tenant then the MARC rules validation should be against the member tenant’s MARC rules validation.