Contradictory query to Inventory causes page to become unstable (in Firefox)


Observed in the Chalmers Fameflower testrun environment.

Steps to reproduce

See first comment.


My colleage reported running into this screen:

Looking at the URL in the screenshot, I would guess that the problem is that you cannot do a search for qindex=title and segment=item.

I can reproduce the error by specifying the query
in the address bar, but haven't yet figured out how to reach it without tampering with the URL.

Have asked my colleague for details as to what actions led up to this search, and will add them as steps to reproduce to this ticket.
See steps to reproduce in comment.

running the same query (from the address bar) in our Edelweiss environment just takes you to the Inventory landing page.

CSP Request Details


CSP Rejection Details


Potential Workaround






TestRail: Results



Lisa Sjögren November 26, 2020 at 2:44 PM

Retested this today and the "Expected to find match for mode in filter-config" console warning is now handled gracefully by both Firefox and Chrome.

Closing the issue as Can't reproduce.

Charlotte Whitt May 15, 2020 at 7:41 PM

Hi - Please notice that for all FOLIO apps, we at this point are only supporting Chrome. So possible Firefox issues, we must address at a later point.

That said, then I'll take a look, and see what's happening related to the Chrome web browser.

Lisa Sjögren May 15, 2020 at 2:15 PM

I accidentally just managed to reproduce this by performing the following steps, in Firefox:

  1. Go to Inventory, and verify sure that search is set to Instance and Keyword

  2. Select filter serial in Mode of issuance

  3. Type a search term into the search box and click Search

  4. Change the search type from Keyword to Title. The result list automatically updates.

  5. Change the type of record to search on from Instance to Holdings

See screencast:

The result is an "unstable page" (aka ungraceful UI crash) and, in the address bar, a strange search query URL

which is trying to combine a instance-specific search parameter with the Holdings segment. While I cannot see any trace of this query request in dev tools under the Network tab, the Console shows that there is an error finding the "mode" filter among the holdings filters.

The good news is that performing the same series of steps in Chrome does not crash the UI – instead the instance query is cleared from the URL, which starts afresh with the holdings segment. However, just as in Firefox, I can see in the console that there has been a failed attempt to locate "mode" among the Holdings filters.

So it both browsers run into the same issue, but as they deal with it differently the consequences for the user are completely different depending on which browser they use.

Cannot Reproduce





TestRail: Cases

Open TestRail: Cases

TestRail: Runs

Open TestRail: Runs
Created May 13, 2020 at 4:28 PM
Updated November 26, 2020 at 2:44 PM
Resolved November 26, 2020 at 2:44 PM
TestRail: Cases
TestRail: Runs